There are several common PC upgrades to consider

Regular upgrades are an important part of the reality for many computer owners, particularly gamers and those who use their computers for serious computing tasks. This is actually part of the appeal for some people. Keeping your computer updated with new parts and components improves its performance, while it also serves as a hobby or pursuit for many PC users.

PC Laptops is here to assist you. They come with high-quality processors, chipsets, memory configurations, and many components that can either be upgraded by you or our professionals. What are the most frequent upgrades that PC owners make to their computers over time? And how can they help your current PC? Here’s a list.

Memory Storage

Memory storage is the most popular upgrade to a PC. It stores all the data your computer needs to run its programs or applications. It can include everything, from your operating system files to your photos, music, and videos.

Your PC will run faster if it has more memory storage. This is especially true if there are many programs running at once or large files such as HD videos. Most PC owners think 4GB to 8GB is enough. However, if your computer is really demanding, you might want to increase the storage.

It is important to understand that basic storage components such as hard disk drives (HDDs), and solid-state drivess (SSDs) do not last forever. The former will last for about 3-5 years while the latter can last for up to a decade. In order to keep your computer running at its best, you will likely need to upgrade your storage.


RAM stands for random-access memory and is the speed of your computer. RAM is the amount of RAM that your computer can run. This means that you will be able switch between applications and programs more quickly and that you will have a smoother computing experience.

Experts recommend at least 4GB RAM for a computer that is used for general computing tasks. However, if you are into gaming or other graphics-intensive pursuits, more will likely be required. For high-end gaming computers, 8GB, 12GB, or 16GB RAM are not uncommon.

Graphics card

Your computer’s graphics card handles all graphics-related tasks, including running 3D games and displaying videos. Anyone who desires the best PC gaming experience can benefit from a high-quality graphics card.

While not all computers require a top-of the-line graphic card, serious gamers will need one. The average cost of a mid- to high-end graphic card will run you a few hundred dollars. However, the increased gaming performance can be worth it.


The CPU (or processing unit) is the brain of your computer. The processor is responsible for running all calculations required to run your applications and programs. A faster processor will make your computer run more smoothly.

Not all computers require the fastest processors available, just like graphics cards. A high-end processor is worth looking into if you want to make your computer more future-proof or simply need the best performance possible. Prices for processors can range from $100 to $1,000 depending on their power and other features.


Although motherboard upgrades are not very exciting and fairly common across the board for most people, the real value of them is the other upgrades that they allow you to access. Many CPU upgrades are impossible if you don’t have a compatible motherboard.

A motherboard with the right slots and connectors is also necessary if you plan to upgrade your computer’s storage. If you are thinking about major upgrades for your computer in the near future, a new motherboard might be worth looking at.

We recommend clients save their motherboard upgrades in these situations.


For some PC owners, the best type of upgrade is the one you use every day. These accessories include:

When you are using your computer for long periods of time, a comfortable mouse is essential. Gamers should choose a mouse that has a high DPI rating (dots/inch) to give them greater precision when moving the cursor around the screen.

Keyboard: Anyone who spends a lot time using their computer’s keyboard is a must-have. Particularly mechanical keyboards offer a better typing experience than standard keyboards and are well-worth the extra cost if you type a lot.

Monitor: If you want to improve your computer’s visual experience, you should consider upgrading to a high resolution monitor. Most monitors can be set to display resolutions at least 1920×1080. Some even go up to 4K. A high-resolution monitor will give you the best image quality.