Deciding between computer repair and replacement

Deciding between computer repair and replacement

Have you had problems with your computer’s performance or been damaged recently? Many times, these issues will force device owners to make a decision about whether to fix or replace the item. There are many situations in which this is an easy choice, but there are many other situations that can be more difficult.

PC Laptops is here to assist on both ends of the spectrum. Our computer specialists have years of experience and can help you evaluate your model’s issues and recommend the best approach. Do the issues are sufficiently minor that they can be fixed easily? Or is it more serious and requires a complete replacement? These are the basics to remember.

The 50 Percent Rule and Cost Factors

For most people, cost will be the most important factor. It is also the most important factor for anyone dealing with computer problems. It is important to first compare the cost of repair to that of replacing the device. However, this step will require more information.

Many individuals and businesses use the “50% rule” to make these types of decisions in computing and related repair areas. The rule says that repairs to a product should not exceed 50% of the cost of replacing the same item. If you find that your computer can be repaired for $500 but the same model is available for $900, most financial advisors recommend you go with the replacement option.

You might wonder, does that not cost more? Yes, it does cost more upfront. A computer that needs repairs that exceed half of its original purchase price is unlikely to need just one set of repairs. If it has already reached this point, it will have problems again in the future and you will have to pay these. Because a new model won’t have the same major problems, it will be more affordable in the long-term.

Current Condition and Age

Detailing the computer’s characteristics is one of the most important factors when determining cost factors and applying 50 percent. The first thing to consider is how old it is. As older computers are more vulnerable to component wear and other risks, they will experience more problems. However, newer computers will last longer. In many cases, a minor repair to a newer computer will last a lot longer than a similar repair to an older model.

It is important to consider the condition of the machine. Many people will buy a new computer, even if repairs are expensive. However, they will do so because the newer model offers certain amenities or features that their current one lacks. This is a significant factor for many people, but they realize it only when they experience an issue that needs repair.

The source of malfunction

It is also important to determine cost factors. Many hardware and software issues can be fixed if you have qualified professionals who are skilled in their identification. We’ve helped clients save thousands of dollars by suggesting a simple fix that saved them from buying a new machine.

Timing and practical needs

It’s said that time is money. While it can be difficult to define the value of your personal time, this statement is universally true. If your computer is having problems and it’s not used for a lot of important purposes or files, you can send it in for repair and wait a few days.

However, what if your computer is used daily and the computer that deals with the problem is vital? If repairs are more expensive than replacement, you should still consider them. Our team will help you to determine the timing requirements. However, if your 50 percent rule analysis shows that the numbers for each option are close, people with such needs will usually opt for the new model as they can get it right away, rather than waiting.

There are many features available

We mentioned that the best features of a computer are what makes it desirable even though repairs may be more expensive. It is difficult to quantify the benefits of certain modern computing features. We work with many clients who opt for a new computer because they are looking to upgrade and not simply to repair their existing computers.

Warranty Considerations

It is important to consider the warranty when making a decision. If your computer still has a warranty, it will almost always be possible to have it repaired for free.

Ask any computer repair company about their warranty. It is important to remember the warranty that you get on a new computer if you decide to buy one.